Hi! My name is
I specialize in handling spatial data and visualizing it in beautiful and insightful ways.
Work Experience
Operations Technician
Developer & data processor working in operations to quantify methane and carbon dioxide source rates derived from satellite imagery.
- Process daily greenhouse gas data collected from satelite and aircraft instruments.
- Develop and maintain scripts to ensure consistent and accurate data processing accross team members.
- Aid in the development of a web app for data processing.
Concordia University
Web Developer
Web developer for the Geomedia Lab under Ph.D. candidate Léa Denieul Pinsky.
This project is live at https://geomedialab.github.io/Kanehsatake-Land-Defense/
Primary focus on creating an interactive map displaying Léa's research involving temporal components and query functionality inviting the user to interact with the data to learn about land disposession in the Kanehsatà:ke region.
Tech Stack
Kanehsatà:ke Land Defense
In charge of the development of an online map allowing users to interact with the
research of
Ph.D. candidate Léa Denieul Pinsky surrounding the disposession of Mohawk land in the
surrounding what is today Oka, near Montreal.
This project was the winner of the Cartography and
Geographic Information Society Annual Map Design Competition and has become part
of the permanent collection of the U.S. Library of Congress
NDVI & Harvest in Beaune, France
Interested in how NDVI of vineyards around harvest time affect the vintage, I decided to
investigate my favorite wine region of Beaune in the Burgundy region of France just
before harvest.
This project uses Landsat 9 and Sentinel-2 images to take the user through a narrative
storytelling of
the harvests in Beaune from 2017 - 2022. Using the calculated NDVI images I ask the user
to come to a conclusion
for themselves on the correlation between NDVI and a vintage's score.
The live site for this project has since been taken offline.
Canadian Terroir
Continuing my passion for wine, I created this web app to compare the aspects making
Canadian terroir to those of famous wine regions of the world.
I created template GeoJson objects and programatically filled the properties with
derived from Google Earth Engine.
I then ran a scoring algorithm comparing the terroir data for the location the user
to each famous wine region to return a similarity score.
Whichever region has the most similar terroir is displayed to the user.
A more detailed description is available in the app's 'How It Works' tab.
BC Wildfire Visualization Tool
The 2022 fire season in BC was particularly lengthy, ending only in October. With my newly acquired skills using Folium (a Leaflet wrapper for Python) I decided to make this command line tool to better visualize how different fire seasons compared to one another. The user is prompted to enter the years they would like to display and when the program finishes we have an HTML file containing an interactive Leaflet map with heatmaps for old fire seasons and heatmaps as well as markers and polygons for the current season.
Landsat Reforestation Calculation
Stemming from a curiosity for how effective Payment for Ecosystem Services programs have been, my partner for this project and I used Costa Rica's PES program as a case study in land use changes affected by policy change. Utilizing Landsat 4 and 8 imagery we were able to run supervized classification schemes to visualize land use changes. Doing this in two regions and using images from two different years gives an overview of how effective the program has been.
Concordia Schedule Buddy Discord Bot
This project has been live since March 2022.
After being frustrated with the way Concordia students had to plan and create their
semester schedules, I came up with this discord bot that more cleanly
and intuitively offers information pertaining to Concordia Courses.
It uses Concordia's Open Data API to periodically update data on courses (namely
enrollment) and merges course data with
course prerequisite data brought in from a seperate endpoint to give students a
view on their courses.